A couple of months ago I was chatting to Tash outside class and I moaned about how dark it was getting in the evenings, to which Tash responded, ‘Ah, but it’s still so warm!’. I laughed and agreed wholeheartedly that soaring temperatures at the end of September really was brilliant. Tash has this extraordinary ability to see the good in, well ...everything! So let’s get to know this all-smiling, half glass full optimist that is, Tash Williams, a little better:
How long have you been going to Just Dance UK classes for?
That's an excellent question - I'm terrible with dates of things but it must be 3+ years. I've loved every second.
What made you decide to get yourself to that first class?
I was looking to get fit but I don't like the gym so thought I'd give Zumba a try. I loved the first class even though I chose to do a double and it nearly killed me!
What did you find to be the most daunting part of that class?
I think the speed of it. And the mirrors! I was lucky enough to be able to hide at the back so it wasn't too bad.
What encouraged you to keep going back?
You guys (Dommy and Fi) were really nice and encouraging. It didn't feel like anyone was judging whether I could keep up or jump high. And it was FUN!
Favourite class and why?
Flowetic without a shadow of a doubt. I love the mix of cardio and toning but it's not as full on as Zumba. The music is great and I love that you can chart your progress - when you actually crack a track it's brilliant.
If we were to call your best friend, what would they say is your best personality trait?
Blimey - that's a hard one. I have 3 best friends, I think they might all say something different. But maybe that I can be fun to be around.
If we were to call that same best friend, what would they say is your worst personality trait?
I'm miserable when hungry or tired. Or possibly too loud.
Favourite colour?
Yellow (but to wear, blue)
Favourite song/artist to dance around your living room to?
Ooooh so many. I go through phases of favourite songs - at the moment being Christmas it's the Sainsbury's advert track (that's terrible isn't it!) and also 'You're Welcome' from the film Moana (sung by The Rock!). But artist-wise it's always MJ (Scream is my favourite MJ track).
If we could magically transport you anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and what would you be doing?
I'd be in New York admiring the Christmas windows and the tree - no doubt quoting Home Alone 2 to myself!
4 dream dinner guests?
Oooh OK - Dwayne The Rock Johnson (of course), Sylvester Stallone, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman
(if MJ was alive he would have been on there!). That's just for celebrities, I couldn't choose from people I actually know because I like too many people to choose just 4.
So next time you see Tash in class, give her a wave and say hello because there’s a strong chance you’ll love her as much as we do!