Dance can often feel very exposing, but if we can try and get rid of those ever-present stereotypes and notions of perfection before we walk into the studio, we stand a much better chance of getting out of our heads and into the class, both mentally and physically.
“Still doing the dancing are you?”
We live in a society with a value system measured largely by wealth. Unfortunately, contentment in the work place just isn’t a currency most people are familiar with. If you’re earning a six-figure income, have a beautiful home, flash car and an all-inclusive family trip to Mauritius every year then you are well and truly winning at life (social media does absolutely nothing to quash that belief – but that’s a whole other blog post!). Just never you mind that every Sunday night you get that all-too familiar pang deep in the pit of your belly that tells you it’s Monday tomorrow. Brush that right under the carpet and go again!
That's the (community) spirit!
Technology makes our lives easier in an amalgam of ways but when we talk of its ability to change, we barely stop to think about its emotional value and the effect this has on real people in real time.
Why bother getting on a long haul flight to America to visit your one-year old granddaughter when you face time every other night? Why go to the real mountains to cycle with your friends who are now scattered around the globe when you cycle ‘together’ every week? And why do people, with the thousands of flexible online offerings available today, choose to leave their homes to go to an exercise class?
Spotlight on ...Tash Williams
A couple of months ago I was chatting to Tash outside class and I moaned about how dark it was getting in the evenings, to which Tash responded, ‘Ah, but it’s still so warm!’. I laughed and agreed wholeheartedly that soaring temperatures at the end of September really was brilliant. Tash has this extraordinary ability to see the good in, well ...everything! So let’s get to know this all-smiling, half glass full optimist that is, Tash Williams, a little better.