Tone and Stretch: 30 mins

Once you’ve purchased a class, it’s yours for 7 days from the date of purchase. Loosely translated, this means if you take the class every day for 7 days straight, you’ll be well on your way to reaching superhero levels of fitness!

general body conditioning

An all over body conditioning class targeting the abs, arms, legs and posture. Guaranteed to keep you strong, tall and ready to take on the world!

You’ll Need: A yoga mat or towel and 30 minutes of uninterrupted ‘you time’.


Lower back/posture

If you finish most days feeling more like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons than Darcey Bussell then this is the class for you. Put that device down, enough scrolling already, roll those shoulders backwards and let’s go!

You’ll Need: A yoga mat or towel and 30 minutes of uninterrupted ‘you time’.



Chanel your inner Jessica Ennis and fire up those abs because we are about to switch them ON!

You’ll Need: A yoga mat or towel and 30 minutes of uninterrupted ‘you time’.



Next time you’re laden down like buckaroo after the weekly big shop, you’ll mostly be marvelling at how your arms still feel like they’re attached to your body (I know!) …magic!

You’ll Need: A yoga mat or towel and 30 minutes of uninterrupted ‘you time’.



Get outta that chair immediately and give your legs a stern reminder that they were really made for moving (and grooving!)

You’ll Need: A yoga mat or towel and 30 minutes of uninterrupted ‘you time’.