The 10 Minute Timeouts

Once you’ve purchased a class, it’s yours for 7 days from the date of purchase. Loosely translated, this means if you take the class every day for 7 days straight, you’ll be well on your way to reaching superhero levels of fitness!

morning stretch

Feeling a bit creaky first thing? Grab your yoga mat and join me as we prepare our bodies for the day ahead.

You’ll Need: A yoga mat or towel and 10 minutes 39 seconds of uninterrupted ‘you time’.


desk stretch

“I have a work deadline - I don’t have time to stretch!” You Do! …down tools for 10 minutes and I promise you’ll meet that deadline quicker!

You’ll Need: 8 minutes and 53 seconds of uninterrupted ‘you time’.



Lengthening your hamstrings will do so much more than making just your hamstrings happy - you'll also improve your posture and decrease the risk of injury and lower back pain.

You’ll Need: A yoga mat or towel and 12 minutes and 21 seconds of uninterrupted ‘you time’.